Sunday, April 22, 2012

S is for sunset...

I tend to take a lot of photos of the sky and clouds.  This is one of my favorite shots. It was taken on my way home from work one day and I had to stop for gas. When I looked up towards the sky I saw an amazing array of orange and reds.

*day late in posting due to car issues...I completely forgot


  1. Popping over from AtoZ. Beautiful picture! I enjoy taking pictures of the sky too. It's such a great subject because it's ever changing and so gorgeous.

  2. Hi! My mission...which I chose to accept...was to continue to visit as many A to Z Challenge participants as I could even after the challenge is over because I didn't want to miss out on any great bloggers out there! Lovely blog...good luck with the rest of the year and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    Donna L Martin
